Network of Employment and Social Care

SSE Entity
Social Mission
DAKM aims at the provision of high quality counseling services to its target-groups. More particularly DAKM aims are as it follows: Implementation of counseling services to unemployed, specific groups of unemployed , employed and vulnerable groups such as long-term unemployed, people with disabilities, unemployed women, women – mothers in single parent families, women victims of abuse / victims of trafficking, unemployed over 55 years, unemployed young people, people belonging in different ethnic and religious groups (immigrants, refugees), people with cultural differences (e.g. ROM), asylum seekers , ex-offenders, drug users / former drug users, seropositive, homeless, people in poverty or threatened by poverty, juvenile offenders, etc. Implementation of social protection and social development activities. Provision of systematic and organized primary social care for the elderly and people with disabilities, but also medical or nursing services or assistance at home, in order to stay in the familiar physical and social environment, maintain the cohesion of their family, avoid the use of institutional care and social exclusion situations, as well as ensuring a decent standard of living.
The Network for Employment & Social Care [DAKM] was founded at 2011 as a non profit organisation which offers counseling and supporting services mainly to vulnerable groups that are exposed to the risk of unemployment and social exclusion. Career counseling lies at the heart of DAKM activities along with entrepreneurial counseling, employer mentoring, support of young, social and female entrepreneurship. Additionally, DAKM activates in the area of the social care and well-being for those at risk of poverty and social exclusion. Our organisation considers of utmost interest the use of new technologies in counseling and in that direction it has developed applications such as digital psychometric systems.
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Career counseling

Career counseling is defined, as the person’s guidance in order to choose the profession that fits to himsef/herself or to find new ways for his/her professional development. Generally, career counseling can be described as a structured dialogue between a counselor and an individual (or a group of individuals), which aims to help the mentees either to cope with perceived limitations in career options, or to find new training, educational or job opportunities. Provided that they are reliable and valid, Psychometric tools are useful tools in the consultant’s efforts to reinforce the self-understanding processes of their mentees. The psychometric tests, do not substitute the counseling relationship; they improve it. DEMO tests: take a free tour to one or more tests provided by DAKM!
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