Strategic planning, business management, HR
Strategic planning, business management, HR
Funding opportunities for women entrepreneurship in Italy
To date, little more than one in 6 companies in Italy is led by women. According to the latest report by the Unioncamere Observatory on Female Entrepreneurship, in fact, out of 6 million companies present on national soil, only 1.3 million are female. About 153 thousand are young female entrepreneurs. By female entrepreneurship we mean the set of activities owned by women or in which the shares of the shareholder structure are for the most part held by women. The female entrepreneurship sector in Italy has been hit hard by the health crisis. At the end of 2019, female enterprises registered in the register of chambers of commerce were 1 million 340 thousand, an increase compared to 2014 by over 38 thousand units. After years of uninterrupted growth, in 2020 there was a sharp decline in the expansion of the sector, which has thus fallen to the growth levels of male companies. The data on the impact of the pandemic on the employment market is also important: almost exclusively women lost their jobs in 2020 (98% of the new unemployed). In the face of these data, the MISE considered it appropriate to develop non-repayable forms of loans for women in 2022. According to Unioncamere-Infocamere data on the first quarter of last year, despite the difficulties, managers under 35 are once again driving the creation of new businesses (+ 8.1%). The recently approved new measures, which the Impresa Donna Fund is also part of, want to re-establish the trend of economic growth that is also sustainable from a social point of view. Explicit objectives are to promote the participation of women in the business world, support their skills and creativity for the start-up of new business activities and the implementation of innovative projects. In this text we will see the main financing instruments for women's businesses.